so i just put a large portion of truly raw (ordered from online vendor) organic almonds in a glass tea jar with purified water (not distilled) with a bit of Sea Salt . im not entirely sure if its supposed to be air tight or not? im just using the tea container which allows some air to escape. not sure if this is bad or good or doesn't matter...
other than that im wondering if its necessary to dehydrate them? i dont have a dehydrator and my oven only goes as low as 175 i think. i dont want to obliterate the enzymes entirely so i read you can leave the oven door open slightly while you dehydrate them which will lower the temperature. should i do this? i also read if its sunny you can simply leave them outside. anyway, is it necessary to dehydrate them>? im not entirely sure of the purpose of dehydrating nuts. does it allow them to be stored longer or something? couldn't really find this info online. i would assume that simply refridgerating them after soaking would lead to molds within a day or two... not sure though. some sites said you can store up to a week after soaking but to me that seems a bit risky for mold growth, even if they are refridgerated. what do you guys think?
thanks for any ideas or clearing this confusion up.