Symptom Request! Is this really AF?!
Hi Everybody. My name is Jordan, and I’ve been a lurker on this site for a while now. I’ve read much, but haven’t commented until now. With that in mind, I have to thank all of you for great knowledge you’ve shared, and I also have to thank each and every one of you for letting me know that I’m not the only one in the world fighting desperately to get back to 100% physical health.
I’m at a loss for direction in my healing process. I’ve been diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue by a Naturopath’s Biomeridian machine. While I feel like AF might be a component, I have my doubts it is the sole cause of my health status. I've lived in a basement in New England, been on a lot of anti-biotics for
Acne and have taken my fair share of prednisone for poison ivy emergencies. I have never been tested for mold or candida. I also suspect neurotoxicity, because I used to smoke synthetic cannabinoid herbal blends. (bad idea, i know)
I’ve included a list of symptoms, if anybody has any idea whatsoever, I would love to hear your input. I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me.
Here are some symptoms that I’ve been experiencing over the past two years:
• Excessive Burping Spells; sometimes after meals (postprandial) and sometimes on an empty stomach.
• Sensitive Vision; Some days, I will be more photo-sensitive than others. My eyes get very tired sometimes, which never happened before this onset of symptoms emerged.
• Abnormal Sensation on cheek (left cheek only, it isn’t the classic “pins and needles” sensation)
• Similar abnormal sensations in the lower legs, the sensation disappears with movement, and emerges again while my leg is not moving (strong suspicion of RLS)
This sensation will emerge if I’m lying down flat on my back (ONLY when dozing off to go to sleep) or if I have been driving with my foot on the throttle for some time. (lack of movement.)
• Lightheadedness. This comes in waves, and does not come as a result of standing up or changing positions quickly. I feel as if there is a sensation of “brain-fog” to this lightheadedness as well.
There are a couple of things that trigger this – A day or two after heavy alcohol consumption, I will notice that I get this sensation of lightheadedness minutes before dozing off to sleep. It is something that I need to stand up and almost catch my breath against before attempting to go back to sleep. I feel it's almost like sleep apnea, but it only comes a few days after binge drinking, and it goes away. (I.E. Binge drinking on friday, hung over saturday, feel healthy sunday, Lightheaded on Monday, Tuesday)
• And not to give TMI, but I have a phenomenon called Ejaculatory Anhedonia – I have no problems achieving or maintaining an erection, my sex drive is strong, but the feeling of orgasm is very much decreased, and sometimes non-existent.
Drinking, Marijuana, and Caffeine tend to trigger a worsening of symptoms that last for days after the binge. Extremely heavy exercise (running more than one mile at a fast pace; playing an intense basketball game for more than 20 minutes) can trigger these episodes.
These symptoms come in attacks, and the symptoms often accompany each other. On good days, my face might have the aforementioned sensation for five minutes, and I will feel like my old self for the entire duration of the day. Other days, I might have these intermittent sensations multiple times throughout the day, with lightheaded spells occurring on an hourly basis, with several burping spells added into the equation. The only thing I know that absolutely triggers these attacks, is drinking over 6 drinks in a given situation.
I know this was a long post, so all that I really can say is thank you all for your previous help, and thank you for anybody who has any thoughts on this. If you guys are confused, or have any follow-up questions, please feel free to inquire. There are over 20 minor symptoms that I didn't mention yet. Best of health to you all!