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What's the cause of YOUR fungal overgrowth?
judelevi Views: 1,060
Published: 12 y

What's the cause of YOUR fungal overgrowth?

When I finally get on a medicine that will work against my candida, I am worried that once I stop it, the candida will come back. I have tried diflucan and nizoral, both uneffective. Diflucan completely unaffected, nizoral effective first ten day round, then second ten day round, no effect. I feel like I just want to go be admitted to the hospital with iv antifungals and monitored and then sent home when I'm better, that's how miserable I am! I have been on the diet strictly for two months and I've continued to get worse. I don't know what's causing my overgrowth. What types of things would cause it in an otherwise healthy person? I don't have HIV, hepatitis. I don't use steroids or any prescription medications for that matter. I am 28 years old, I have four kids. My overgrowth started while I was nursing my 3rd son. He weaned and my hormones were out of whack ( I know this because I couldn't get pregnant) and six month later I got pregnant and my overgrowth got way out of control. Went on the diet and took candex and got better but not cured. Now 4th baby is 8 month old and nursing and I am having serious issues again (esophageal candida is my biggest problem. I have constant chest pain and sometimes heart palpitations) Could baby making hormones and nursing hormones be at the root of all of this? What caused your candida overgrowth?


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