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Re: I got the blood tests!
sirpreis Views: 1,075
Published: 12 y
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Re: I got the blood tests!

I've also had similar blood tests done. Here are the results, most everything seems to be fine. For the ones below the "----" I am waiting for the doctor to contact me, but I already have the test results themselves. I don't know the english names for them, so I'll just post the german names. Maybe you know many/most of them. I hope the format is readable. The value in the first () is the unit, the value between the to ()...() is the actual value, the value in the second () is the reference value (so where a "healthy value" should be, I guess).

S-Rheumafaktor (U/ml) <10.1 (<20)
S-CCP-Antikörper (U/ml) 0.4 (<7)
S-C3c (g/l) 1.02 (0.90-1.80)
S-C4 (g/l) 0.21 (0.10-0.40)
S-c-ANCA IF <1:20 (<1:20)
S-p-ANCA IF <1:20 (<1:20)
S-ANA (Screen)/ENA (kA) 0.2 (<0.7)
S-Anti-ds-DNA (IU/ml) 3.9 (<15)

S-ANA-IF <1:80 (<1:80)
S-Histone (U/ml) 9 (<15)

Gesamt CD3+aus 45/4/8/3 (%) 85.33 * (55-83)
CD3+/CD4+ (T-Helferzellen) (%) 54.03 (28-57)
CD3+/CD8+(T-Suppressorzellen) (%) 27.42 (10-39)
Ratio T4/8 1.97 (1.0-3.6)
Immu-Diff. Lymphocyten (%) 35.14
Gesamt CD3+ aus 45/4/8/3 (CELLS/µl) 1800 (700-2100)
CD3+CD4+(Helferzellen) (CELLS/µl) 1139 (300-1400)
CD3+/CD8+(T-Suppressorzellen) (CELLS/µl) 578 (200-900)

a-IgE 107 kU/l (>16 years: 0-120.0 kU/l)
sx1 28.0 kUA/l (Class 4)


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