Rejuvenation and reasons for frustrated recovery syndrome
(from Dr Tennants site)
We replace cells frequently. We get new rods and cones in our retina every two days. The skin you are sitting in is only six weeks old. Your liver is eight weeks old. Your nervous system is eight months old. We can make these new cells from recycled materials or new materials. Correct nutrition is very important.
There are several ways in which food manufacturers damage our nutrition.
These are the structure of every cell and thus that allow the cell to function. Thus correct proteins are very important. You cannot utilize the amino acid building blocks making up proteins without having normal stomach acid. Making stomach acid requires iodine, zinc, and vitamin B1.
Food manufacturers damage proteins by growing them with pesticides and hormones. Milk proteins are destroyed/adulteraded by heating (pasteurization). Meats can be infused with carcinogenic
nitrates .
Another problem is the substitution of soy protein. Soy is poisonous. It affects our entire endocrine system including the thyroid. It inhibits the absorption of major minerals. For those that think that soy is a health food, I refer you to the medical literature on that subject and to the book The Whole Soy Story by Kaayla Daniel.
It is a myth that fat is bad for you. Your liver is 4.6
pounds of fat. Your brain is about 2.5
pounds of fat. Your endocrine system is made of fat. All your cell membranes are fat. You replace all of these frequently and need fat to do it correctly.
All cells in the body are designed to use fat for their primary energy except the nervous system (which is designed to use glucose as its primary fuel).
The primary loss of income for food manufacturers is spoilage. The primary thing that spoils is that fats become rancid. If you cook fats at 350 degrees for five hours, it turns the fats into something similar to plastic called partially hydrogenated fats or Trans Fats. Look at the labels on most foods and you will see that they contain partially hydrogenated fats. If you make cells out of plastic, they don't work very well. Good fats are fats that will spoil.
You can't absorb fats without bile. The liver makes 1 1/2
quarts of bile per day so it needs a storage tank. That is the function of your gall bladder.
The liver can't make bile fast enough to service a meal, so without a gall bladder, you will be deficient in fat to make cells and provide energy and the fat soluble vitamins. You must take supplemental bile with every meal the rest of your life if your gall bladder has been removed.
If you study and then understand the difference between the medical evaluations known as absolute risk reduction and relative risk reduction, you will find that there is no significant evidence that saturated fat in moderate amounts is harmful.
The human body should never absorb proteins---only amino acids. The way the system is supposed to work is that stomach acid breaks proteins into amino acids. The amino acids go downstream, are absorbed, and the body makes its own proteins.
When you don't have stomach acid, whole proteins get absorbed. The immune system recognizes that it didn't make those proteins and assumes they are viruses. It makes antibodies to these food proteins. Soon you are allergic to the foods you most commonly eat. You have a "mini-flu" after every meal as your body attacks your food and thus you feel tired about 30 minutes after you eat.
The system tries to isolate these proteins and often stores them in fat---thus you gain weight.
The antibodies make your blood sticky. This increases your risk of blood clots and makes it hard for the blood to pick up and deliver oxygen. As your body oxygen levels drop, your metabolism gets worse and anaerobic microorganisms begin to grow.
This process often starts with GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). When you don't make enough stomach acid, you develop gas as your stomach tries to digest your food. These gas bubbles are surrounded by stomach acid. The bubbles float up into your esophagus and you belch. You taste stomach acid and your esophagus burns. Thus you think you have too much stomach acid when the real problem is that you have too little.
Your stomach feels better when you take antacids and/or drugs that shut down your stomach acid. However, this insures that you will develop chronic disease! You will become allergic to your protiens. In addition, the body cannot absorb zinc without stomach acid. Without zinc, you cannot make neurochemicals like serotonin, so you become depressed. Zinc is also necessary for over 360 known biochemical reactions including proper prostate function.
Stomach acid is your "front door". It is intended to help kill infectious things like bacteria, fungus and parasites. Without it, they have an open invitation to invade your body. It is like removing the front door to your home so anyone that wants to can enter your home and do whatever mischief they wish.
These problems begin when you can't make enough stomach acid. Making stomach acid requires iodine, zinc, and vitamin B1 as well as water, salt, and CO2. Almost everyone is deficient in
Iodine and about 80% of the population is deficient in zinc. Many are deficient in the B vitamins. Thus we have another reason for so many to be depressed and tired from reacting to their foods and obese as well.
The solution is to correct your stomach's ability to make stomach acid by correcting these deficiencies. This usually takes 3-4 months. During that time, you must take a pill that acts like stomach acid. It is called Betaine it is available at health food stores. You should eat a few bites of food before you take it so it won't aggravate your stomach. Take it with each meal until you have time to correct your iodine, B1 and zinc levels.