quick question on preserving rope worms outside of the medical community....alcohol or water in glass jars?
Hello all, I have been back on
Clarkia for about two months and didnt bother to take any "breaks" (oops! Well screw it - I found so much when i did ICU pharma protocol, that I'm not leaving these baaaastads to their own devices for even a moment!).
Like many of us who haven't been able to work, its high past time for me, so i decided to take drastic measures and buy the
Clarkia bowel cleanse. Great idea. No regrets. Then decided to get a groupon for a
colonic package to speed up the process. Had 4 in 5 days because I could feel I was in big trouble with colon backup and felt the herx pretty bad.
No "poo" as the lady called it, would really come out. On the 4th day of sessions I came home and felt like I needed to pass a bowling ball, but little did I know, it was probably a million small bowling balls of rope worms. I didnt want to strain and get good ole "hemmies" in addition, so I went for the quickie fleet bottle and boy did a whole new zoo come out in a matter of minutes. I didnt want to look, but this time I had to. Didn't want to dig into it either, but this time it was a crime against
Science and my personal health not to. I took zillions of pics and many many videos, but it was all so unexpected I was kinda "caught with my pants down" (pun obviously intended, hehehe), in the sample preparation and collection arena. I made do with a bunch of old hotel glass jelly containers with screw tops I had saved and I cleaned them to scientific precision, labeled them and videoed most of the samples entering the containers.
HOWEVER, in reading @scabdaggr Steve's posts about his samples quite a few min ago, I realized I may have made a mistake in putting distilled water in with the samples and putting them in the fridge.
Anyone have any ideas or opinions for best way to store these buggers based on what I've already done? I decided against alcohol initially because I was just in a hurry and wanted to see how crazy they looked with water added back into them and surely leaving them under a slide as I had before was a bad idea.
Any and all advice and criticism very welcome. Trying to post the pics as soon as I can but Its not easy onn the iphone, sorry