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Dont you worry....
yemaya Views: 1,428
Published: 21 y
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Dont you worry....

Often Depression and addiction go hand in hand....
When people get of drugs and alcohol they get Depression ,anxious, obsessive.... and even deliutional...

One very over looked factor is that often people are simple trying to feel normal. They find a drug that makes them feel normal, and they stick with it... but the addiction gets out of control ...... then they got off it...only to realize that that feel lousy all the time... and they are just supposed to live like this!!

Well that doesnt make any sense at all!

A couple months ago I saw an amazing woman speak.. her name was Dr. Joan Larson. SHe runs an in and out patient clinic for alcohol and drug abuse, and mental illness.... Her own son was an alcholic who commit suiside..... Anyways... she really focuses on helping people diagnose and treat their chemical imbalances. Lets take me for example... I was always shy and introverted... but still hyper, and bright. I never wanted to be around more than one person at a time, and was often very anxious and very depressed... even when I was a young child. I recently found out that I am pyroluric...which basically means I have to take big doses of B6 and Zinc to feel the way that most people do normally....

Well I sure wish someone would of told me that before I found pout that cocaine really helped me feel o.k... yikes!

Luckily I got off that... with lots of will and cleansing my body.... but I was still very depressed...

Now though... with the B6 and Zinc.. my Depression is lifting more and more.... I am actually experiencing life like it is ment to be experienced..with joy....

I would highly recommend you get Dr. Larsons Books
Seven weeks to sobriety
Depression Free Naturally

If you dont have the cash right now.. then post some more about your symptoms and diet..... and about your personality (hyper, nervous, outgoing etc...)

In the mean time.. start up a Bowel Cleanse and start flushing that liver.....

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