I had my mirena removed in June after having it in for 6 months and I am finally starting to feel better (but not completely back to normal). After removal I experienced mind fog, pressure in my ears, yeast infections, and anxiety (I never had anxiety before Mirena!). My periods, however, have been regular. About 6 weeks ago, I also started having the bowel problems you described. After having the bowel problem for at least a week, I saw a wonderful physician who suspected that a systemic yeast infection may be the culprit for some of my problems. I adjusted my diet (low Sugar and more greens) and started taking probiotics and my bowel problems disappeared within a few days. I also eat tons of coconut oil - it is supposedly good for candida overgrowth. I hope this helps!! The yeast problem makes sense for me- I have always been vulnerable to yeast when I change my birth control, but I am not sure if you are having this problem.