I have read that a gland controls how much or little we tan, not sure if it is the adrenal glands, etc. but when the gland does not function well the person can not tan, many times the older a person gets the less they can tan, but some people do tan very dark at all ages!!!
For a child that does not tan? They don't go out in direct sun for more than 15 or so minutes between 11 and 3 on the super bright hot days. They need total body exposure when possible and get the skin use to the sun and build up the resistance.
For the ones who are effected because of theor genes or what their past realitives have handed down to them, etc. i suggest doing what I do when I must work in bright hot sun too long; I use a hat that has a neck cover, ear covers and an extra long bill. It is a fishing cap. If my arms are not tanned enough to handle the sun, then I wear a long sleeved light colored shirt loosely buttoned.
There is no sport/activity/job worth getting burned over and NEVER will their be a sport worth using sun blocker chemicals for.