Zapping, candida cleansing, LF and Water fasting Experiment.
Last time I did 3 days
Water Fast and then LF. Please see my last post.
This time I did differently in that I zapped (2 x a day (7,20,7,20,7) or (1 x a day continuously for 2 hrs) for 7 days before starting the water fast. I also took fresh homemade garlic tincture (V. concentrated) for 3 days before the water fast.
Then I fasted for about 40 hrs and feasted on water melon juice while doing the LF.
Liver-Flush was a success. Then I continued the
Water Fast for another 5 days and break the fast.
I have to say very easy 5 day fast. I noticed less sluggishness and zero bad after taste. I did body message and skin brush, sun bathing, hot/cold shower, sauna, gardening etc. That helped a lot too.
After this experience, I am convinced that it's good to skip eating for a couple of days and be on air and/or water after a LF.
What do you say? Any suggestion is welcome.
Happy Cleansing and Detoxifying,