Cure for fecal body odor?
Hi I have found a way to treat my fecal
Body Odor . This might or might not work for you but basically you must eat a paleo diet with LOTS of vegtables. Here is my diet: can of tuna, medium chicken breast, grapes, banana, almonds, macedamia nuts, and 2-3 plates of spinach and brocolli, and lots of water. Basically no wheat, processed foods, red meat, eggs, or gluten.
I KNOW this worked because in my classes we have free seating and now I got 0 reactions, and people dont move to other seats the next day. People were fine with sitting next to me. And believe me I sit next to some rude people who would have told me i smelled.
I also knew it worked because after a whole week without reactions I decided to eat mac n cheese and a pb and j and 1-2 hours later i got reactions like smells like dick and smells like ass.
It might take a long time for the smell to go away, because I was on this diet for 3 months before school started.