and as much as I believe in the power of iodine, all that
Iodine supplementation does is cure
Iodine deficiency. There are many many reasons that men lose their libido/ability to have/maintain an erection and supplementing with this or that is no guarantee of any results. A lack of sexua| ability is indicative of a body-wide unhealthy state.
Iodine deficiency certainly has be helpful for some, but it's no guarantee.
Didn't take much of a google search to find the site. The problem with the site is that it promises a "magic bullet" approach, and it ain't cheap. And of course, once you've spent your 50 bucks, there's no support.
People lift info from forums all the time and attempt to profit, we've seen it numerous times. It's not particularly flattering when the original sources are not credited, and it's not admirable to only give partial info in an attempt to profit.
I am glad that iodine info has been spread far and wide. I only hope that we see less of this "miracle cure" type of thinking and more of the thoughtful experienced approaches such as we practice in this forum, the FB iodine group, or the yahoo iodine group.
I absolutely agree with Ginagirl's decision to remove that link.
Thank you for your excellent moderation.
EDIT: price correction...99$ !!! and the iodine they include is liqui-kelp! Gads. That ain't lugols!