5 September 2013: Syria. World War III… and the run up to World War III. Was it planned or some ‘cosmic accident’ as a result of incompetence and inexperience? You’ll be interested to learn how we got here – and it was no accident. Join us tonight as we are proud to have internationally renowned speaker, a former member of the Illuminati and understand exactly what is taking place.
For 20 years, he was trained as an Illuminist and attained the rank of Master Witch (3rd level). As a result of God’s sovereignty and mercy, Doc, an Illuminati witch, became surrounded by caring Christians who presented him with the Gospel and committed his life to Jesus aon April 15, 1979, forever severing his ties with the Illuminati. He now devotes his life to traveling across the country and using various public forums to expose the Illuminati and its long-kept-secret secrets, even at the threat of death, based on an oath he swore to the Illuminati.
His Website: http://www.itsagodthingproductions777.com/