What to do about PMS...
So this is my worst symptom and I've had it for years. I just can't figure out what to do or what causes this level of PMS.
For instance, this morning, I woke up totally stuffy as if I had seasonal allergies. I didn't sleep well last night and tossed and turned (generally - with the exception of getting up to pee at night - I sleep well through the night). Then I get all manner of symptoms.
Aches and pains
Heart racing (in a food-allergy way not a panic way)
Major mood stuff and irritability, anger, rage, sadness, frustration
Sensitivity to too much stimuli
Easily overwhelmed
Exhaustion (all I want to do is sleep)
Bloating/water retention
A buzzy feeling in my head like it's got cotton stuffed in it
Eyes are the worst - bloodshot, burning, a feeling like I have to squint. They hurt like they feel pressure.
Constant hunger.
Nothing seems to help.
I'm off gluten, sugar, dairy - I eat well but perhaps I'm eating things that worsen PMS? I know I MUST stop coffee. That's probably a biggie.
But it's like for a week or sometimes more out of each month it's debilitating and while I don't have the luxury of sleeping in or taking time off (I am the single mom of a young child and work), it's really hard to function like this.
So the one thing that I figured out helped is an enema. I can't do CEs, b/c they crash me, but I did a plain
water enema (and am open to any suggestions of anything else). So after, my eye symptoms lessen and I do feel mildly more relaxed and more myself - than this PMS alien.
My old chiropractor has thought this could be hypoglycemia. He also said it is my clogged liver having trouble breaking down estrogens.
I have no idea. Any thoughts?
My theory, if the chiro is right, is that my liver is taxed this time of month because of all the hormones (and possibly excess hormones?) and so I could be getting all manner of stuff like hypoglycemia, and my body having trouble ridding itself of toxins so the weird eye symptoms - and the anger and rage (liver) - not sure about the other symptoms though. But this is maybe why I feel slightly better after doing enemas?