Re: Question to parazapper about what frequency
As per usual, you are wrong and do not know what you are talking about.
There is nothing that makes the zapper illegal. It is required for it to be registered with the FDA, only if sold specifically for use to treat disease or illness in humans. There has never been any legal action that showed a zapper to be dangerous or harmful or illegal.
The FDA specifically classified ParaZapper as a Class III device when sold for use on humans, due to reported effectiveness. Their reasoning is that it is a device that can be used to support life. This rating is the same as a pace maker or a dialysis machine. However, I can sell zappers all day long for killing microbes in water because I have more than sufficient PROOF that it works.
The FDA has actually investigated and found no injury from the proper use of a
Zapper, especially ParaZapper.
Yes, I am licensed to manufacture and sell ParaZapper and my attorneys assure me that what I do is legal.
My only claim is that it kills germs in water.
BTW, well over 50 percent of my sales are directly from customer referral by those who have outstanding results.
So, you can harass and make false claims all day and night but you can not change the truth.
ParaZapper Works
So, I challenge you. Show evidence of any injury from a correctly designed and properly used zapper such as ParaZapper.