Re: OBAMA BLINKS "decided" to "allow" Congress to debate actions in Syria
Yep we're making a difference. He still defiantly says he has the authority to bomb them without congressional approval, but he know the truth. He knows he can't constitutionally. And he knows the majority of Americans will be mad if he does. And it shows he want's what little support he has left to continue or grow.
And it just shows how stupid the whole thing is too. He has to seek support. If it really was a national matter, he wouldn't have to seek support. Everybody would be saying bomb them. And most of the countries around the world are calling BS on it all.
Bottom line is, we're starting to win the battle. A lot of people have woken up and aren't buying their lies any more. And Obozo knows it. Along with congress. And now they have to watch what they're doing. I doubt any false flag will go unnoticed any more. I don't think they'll even be able to pull a false flag and shut down the web and all communications and get away with it any more. The word will still get out even though it will be slower. The gig is almost up I think. And they will be forced to straighten up or "loose their perceived power." The crooks are on the run now, so it's going to be really good or bad soon.
Notice they are backing off on coming down on Washington state and Colorado for the pot laws? They know they better not touch that one either. It will be like trying to take away firearms. Their options are getting fewer and fewer.
So don't give up, and keep standing up and exposing their lies and corruption. It will only last as long as we let it. I'm done letting it happen without screaming it from the roof tops. I'll leave it at that. :-)