I know my liver is really struggling. Had my gallbladder out in '96. My digestion is majorly messed up, reflux galore, pain all over the body, bloating and gas and all the usual suspects that go along with a sluggish liver. I was doing castor oil packs nightly, per my ND, but took some time off because it was growing tiresome. I plan on starting back up on it tonight. Anyway, since I've noticed my liver flaring up, and all the subsequent symptoms that go along with it getting worse, I've also noticed my teeth and gums being very sore. I've always had good teeth, so this is concerning to me. And of course, trying to talk to any doctor or dentist about any connection between the liver and teeth is a total waste of time. So I'm just wondering if anyone here has or had sluggish liver and teeth issues, and had the teeth issues improve once the liver issues improved. I just started acupuncture and my TCM practitioner is going to hopefully focus on my liver and give me some herbs to help it along as well. Thanks.