18 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: what mucus means in practical terms - W.D. Kelley
The comment about dentists reminds me of the term for dental fillings,they are called " LEAD BULLETS " for a reason. To describe what a dentist sodders into a humans mouth and it's systemic effect.
If a person has a LEAD BULLET in thier body, chronic infection would set in as the body tried to remove the forgein object. Dentists have been messing up peoples health systemically for a long long time.
50 years ago good dentists used white cement to fill cavities and rebuild a tooth, for 35 dollars a tooth, the white cement worked too well as a cavity filler and was discontinued because it did not generate complications or repeat dental business.
Todays junk is the work of the miseducated, the liars, the sloppy biz people and engineered obsolesence, all for the sake of the liars, e-con-o-my.
No wonder the bible says the devil runs the 7 FAKE kingdoms of the world.