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White Slime
Ibinns Views: 3,357
Published: 12 y

White Slime

I had an appointment with an oral pathologist today. I went to the office without even brushing my teeth and I had a little of the white slime. As embarrassing as doing that was; I just had to use my man balls, not give a fu*k and just do it. He took a swab of the white slime and will do a culture test on it among other things.

We need to really know what that damn white slime is so, I will get the results two weeks from today. I will keep you all posted. The doctor did mention that the white slime is most likely a fungal overgrowth as mentioned by Sargvy and others here on this forum.

Overall, the appointment went okay. But I have to admit that knowing more about a condition than the doctor you are seeing really pisses me off. Why? Because, well, I have to pay for the damn visit! So basically I should be paying myself because I am telling him more than what he is telling me.

He actually told me that he has two other patients that went to him with something similar. So the next time I see him I'm going to give him the name of this website to give to those patients so that they can join this community of EC sufferers. We all really need to stick together and share our experiences/self treatments.

At one point in the appointment it got a bit scary when the doctor mentioned that his treatment for me would have consisted of antifungals & systemic steroids. When I heard the term "systemic steroids" the first thing I thought about was the PC game Quake 4 when Kane is being turned into a Strogg and received a massive dose of steroids. I don't think I wanted to go that route. LoL!

The doctor was very impressed with how I am managing my EC and told me to continue doing what I was doing. He even took some notes possibly for his other patients with this similar condition.

Either way, I needed this doctor's lab for a culture test of the white slime so, I guess my appointment today wasn't a total loss.

As I mentioned before, I will keep you all posted.


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