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Re: Have patience
sirpreis Views: 1,485
Published: 12 y
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Re: Have patience

Sorry to be so negative, but how can you still say leaving the lips completely alone is THE ONLY WAY to cure EC when there are people like Healing2021, MikePylon or Daniel (and others), who also got their EC due to lip trauma (or at least they are quite certain about that), that have seen tremendous progress or even got cured not by leaving them alone but rather to do moist healing? That doesn't make all that much sense to me. Yea, Daniel saw a lot of progress while leaving them alone but he saw way more progress NOT leaving them alone. Healing2021 left them alone for months, and I think he saw little to no progress, and now he's almost back to normal lips, doing "moist healing".

Again, it's great that you are seeing progress, but that does not mean that it is the only way to cure the condition.


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