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Chelators and a theory !!
dvjorge Views: 2,632
Published: 12 y

Chelators and a theory !!

Hi all,

I am going to expeculate about something.

Candida Related Complex, the syndrome most of us are battling, is an Iatrogenic condition caused by the disruption of LAB in our intestines. LAB protect us against candida albicans germination. Candida albicans single cells can live perfectly where LAB are present ,but they can not germinate when the bacteria are present.

What do happen when we take Antibiotics repeatedly or a long treatment using broad spectrum Antibiotics ??

LAB bacteria are reduced or eliminated causing candida albicans single cells begin to germinate. When the germination occurs, and this is the critical part, candida albicans cell wall breaks releasing microscopic fragments that are absorbed by the intestinal lining and go to our bloodstream. One of this fragment is MANNAN, a carbohydrate present in the yeast cell wall. When mannan gets the blood, it is seen as an antigen and wakes up an immune response. It means it stimulates the immune system. However, mannan in the blood bind with cooper, a mineral present in our blood creating a complex called mannan/cooper complex. According to the research, this mix is what has a severe immune suppression power, suppressing our cell-mediated immunity.

Cell-mediated immunity is our innate defense against superficial mucosal candidiasis. Then, when candida albicans morphogenesis occurs inside our gut, there is a simultaneous event setting the infection and suppressing our Th1 immune response.

The chelators.

Most of you know I have read hundred of hours candida patients forums, and I am aware about what people report.
Chelation and mercury is a common topic for candida sufferers since some people have reported cured after following chelation therapies with DMSA, DMPS,and EDTA.

Why I am not mentioning ALA that is the most efficient mercury chelator ??

Because I don't know about anybody reporting a cure taking ALA alone to chelate mercury. On the other hand, I have read about some people trying to chelate mercury with ALA alone to overcome CRC that never get better. ALA don't chelate Iron and Cooper but DMSA,EDTA, and DMPS do.

My hypothesis.

Since all the cured reports I am aware of come from people who took DMPS, DMSA, and EDTA, I am expeculating the benefits of these chelators aren't because they are removing mercury but cooper and iron and detoxing the blood of the mannan/copper complex. Iron is vital for candida and cooper is what binds with mannan to create the immune suppressor complex. I have read in medical papers that mannan catabolization is slow, so I am thinking that a chelator such as DMSA, DMPS,or EDTA is helping or accelerating mannan elimination from the blood, even more when I have read that people who get IV DMPS get better faster and eliminate chronic candida infections. These people get cell mediated immunity restoration and eliminate candida infections.

You all know that without an immune response, there isn't way we can cure an infection. I think a simultaneous anticandida treatment plus the use of a chelator agent is what has taken many sufferers to a final cure.




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