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Re: Britih MP G. Galloway links Israel to Syrian attack
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Published: 12 y
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Re: Britih MP G. Galloway links Israel to Syrian attack

"posting a news story is not the same as believing the story"

AMEN, Trap!

HOW in the world does this stuff start, anyway?

Oh yeah, it's the internet. geeeez.

Ya know, I've been guilty of this many-a-time, too; I've assumed the poster believes what he/she posted 100%. We're all so frikkin' brainwashed! It matters not whether you believe a portion of it, half of it, all of it, or even NONE of it at all....

How does this start? Man, people can TALK about this stuff, but in our attempt to bring it up online, SO much is lost in transition...and translation.

too much

This reminds me of one of the guys who works for my husband. I dearly love the man, (he's come to our rescue on many an occasion and he'd literally give you the shirt off his back) but on the other side of the coin he likes to stir the shi...doo-doo. He will literally say something ornery and then sit back and watch others get into a dilly of an argument.


rant over - carry on


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