Re: Ideas for taking action against possible toxic mold?
Dear 139,
It was not my intent to post to you more than once. My apologies. It is difficult for me to remember who all I have posted to. My apologies [in advance] if I end up posting to you again!
From MY view: We are literally surrounded by toxins constantly in this world. We breathe them, touch them, and consume them all of the time. We cannot stop that. That is why our livers are the largest internal organ in our bodies. That is why I "promote" the value of ascorbic acid, i.e. because of its antioxidizing, reducing, alkalinizing, toxin neutralizing, abilities [and we can consume all we want of this "miraculous" substance].
How do you KNOW " is not a cure all for everything...and definitely not on its own?" Dr. Klenner [amongst others], with decades of experience, and many thousands of patients treated, concluded OTHERWISE! My ONLY reason to post this information is to help any [and all] that are interested in studying the matter for themselves. For those that are not, [apparently] like yourself, it would seem to me they are very little inconvenienced. My apologies again if I have in any way offended or "inconvenienced" you.