Re: B-mannanase availability???
I wouldn't worry about taking in enzymes to reduce Mannase, or working on Gliotoxin reduction like this either. Try stopping the production in teh first place, and boosting cell-mediated and humoral immunity, makes a lOT more sense to me.
From Candida Crusher (Page 457)
Mannan is a glycoprotein found in the cell wall of candida, and it is released by candida in response to an infection around it, usually in the digestive system. This is different from gliotoxin, which is an actual toxin released by candida itself which spreads toxins directly in its surroundings. A study* has shown that tiny mannan fragments are liberated in the digestive tract and then get absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. These tiny proteins then stimulate an immune response and go on to cause suppression of the immune system, and it is this response then renders the immune system less capable of fighting a yeast infection. This explains in part why some people just don’t seem to recover that well or constantly relapse with candida yeast infections.
Here’s what typically happens, a person takes one or several courses of an antibiotic for an infection which kills the infection, but also kills many beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. That you already know, but then candida gets the upper hand and begins to slowly proliferate as an opportunistic organism. That you probably know too, but what you may not know is that this proliferation of yeast cells in the digestive system then slowly release mannan proteins continually which drip feed into the blood stream. Even after the yeast is cleared or brought under control eventually by anti-fungal supplements, foods or drugs, mannan will continue to circulate for some time, sometimes many months or even a year in chronic cases in my experience, until these miniscule proteins are finally cleared. The unfortunate thing with mannan protein is that it can take a very long time before it is finally broken down and eradicated from your body, and this explains why your digestion may appear OK, your thrush may be under control but you still feel lousy, tired and miserable. Brain fog can still be there for some time, so you will need to be patient! Now you know some of these reasons.
Recurring and persistent yeast infections of the mucus membranes, especially involving the vagina and the entire digestive system, have been linked with a poor and ineffective response of white blood cells called T-lymphocytes, and guess which part of the immune system are affected most by gliotoxin and mannan? You guessed it, the T-lymphocytes. We call this the cell-mediated immune response, and shortly I’ll tell you a bit more about this, and how you can significantly boost this part of your immune system.
There are lots of scientific papers I have researched that have clearly linked candida yeast infections and immune suppression, and candida-produced agents like gliotoxin and mannan often cause this kind of suppression. This may give you an indication why yeast infections can be so hard to clear in some people’s bodies, because it is not just a matter of killing the yeast, it is a matter of stopping the foods which allow candida to produce these toxic metabolites, assisting in the removal of candida in addition to their metabolites as well as boosting your immune function.
*Clinical Microbiology Review 1991 January; 4(1): 1–19. Candida mannan: chemistry, suppression of cell-mediated immunity, and mechanisms of action. R D Nelson, N Shibata, R P Podzorski, and M J Herron.
I have discovered that patients who only partially recover and who remain feeling unwell for some time appear to have very low, low or borderline SIgA levels as well. You can read a lot more about SIgA (antibodies) in chapter 3 under comprehensive digestive stool analysis testing.
It would certainly pay to increase your SIgA levels, that way your immune system will get a significant boost and may help to pull you out of a sustained aggravation you are going through, the SIgA antibodies form part of your immune system’s humoral response. This part of the immune system fights the enemy at a distance, unlike the cell-mediated response that fights the enemy close up. You will find that with higher SIgA levels you will be able to tolerate foods more easily, which you previously were having aggravations from in many potential ways.
With a reduction in candida metabolites through boosting the cell-mediated immune response, you will find that your brain fog, fatigue, feeling unreal, stoned or spaced out will be reduced much more quickly. By boosting both aspects of immunity (cell and humoral responses), you will begin to feel better than you have for a long time, possibly even several years. This is one of the key secrets I’ve discovered to a deep-seated recovery from chronic yeast infections that I have not seen mentioned elsewhere.
The best way to work on the immune system if you want to get rid of your yeast infection is to boost both the cell and humoral mediated responses, the two main branches of your immune system. This is a bit like renewing your troops on the frontline, more white blood killer cells, the cell mediated response, and giving them better weapons with a higher accuracy and more killing power, boosting the humoral-mediated response.