Re: Iodine cannot be absorbed without near perfect pH
Many thanks for that excellent website reference:
That was amazing at explaining how we stay alive.
I had been searching the internet for days to no avail to find an expert confirmation for the statement that "optimal pH was required to absorb iodine." Today I finally found the ultimate expert:
Dr. Brownstein himself says: ( what better expert can we find?)
"My experience has also shown that proper mineral support also aids
Iodine supplementation. Testing for mineral deficiencies and correcting these deficiencies before instituting
Iodine supplementation leads to the best results. I frequently have my patients measure their pH levels. If an acidic condition is present, correcting the pH imbalance before beginning
Iodine therapy is the correct way to go. How do you correct a pH imbalance? Eating whole foods, eliminating refined foods, beginning mineral supplementation including magnesium can all help the situation. Iodine itself is also an alkalinizing agent for the body.
There we have it right from the horses mouth. This file is LOADED with valuable information.
Dr. Brownstein clears up another confusing issue:
"In patients with a normal gastrointestinal absorption of iodine but with a very defective iodine retention system, the absorbed iodine is quantitatively excreted in the urine with little or no retention. In these rare cases, the loading test will suggest whole body iodine sufficiency (90 percent or more excreted) but the serum inorganic
Iodide levels 24 hrs after the iodine load will remain low (less than 0.13 mg/L).7 The inefficient iodine retention mechanism could be due to either a defective cellular iodine transport system or due to blockage of this iodine cellular transport by iodine inhibitors that compete with
Iodide for the halide binding site of the symporter system and for iodine utilization. In one such case8, oral administration of Vitamin C sustained release at 3 gm per day improved significantly the defective cellular transport system for iodine (See Fig. 2 & 3).
The "defective iodine retention system" is rare, but he gives the solution to this problems, Vitamin C sustained release at 3 gm per day.
I also discovered additional bonuses for optimizing my urine pH which was a VERY sickly 5.0avg to an optimal 7.0. My exercise induced asthma is GONE and I am happy to report my resting heart rate has dropped to a normal 80bpm from 95 to 105 bpm, also reduced blood pressure from 140avg to 120avg.
So bottom line, the benefits to pH testing are REAL especially for the iodine supplementation program. I think it is safe to say that an optimal urine pH 6.8 to 7.2 should be recommended before taking iodine.