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Re: Frustrated with candida

There are several significant reasons why candida never goes away or why it just keeps coming  back and these are:

* Use of anti-biotics in an anti-candida regimen will ultimately cause dysbiosis in the gut (it will cause good/bad bacterial imbalance) -- and will thus only ever act to increase the virulence, spread and dominance of candida as a pathogen in your body. This is referred to as The Antibiotic Syndrome. Avoid all antibiotics if you have candida. 

* Candida manufactures biofilms profusely in the gut which not only helps to protect candida against antifungals and the immune system, but from the research, candida biofilms also help to  protect other mixed-species bacteria (causing various and many other disease co-infections that are always usually associated with candida) that can also share and reside in candida biofilms. So unless you incorporate stronger anti-biofilm components into your own protocols -- such as using protease enzymes(nattokinase, lumbrokinase, bromelain or papain enzymes) or using  turpentine (pine oil) -- then the candida will either never go away or it will just keep coming back because it can so easily hide away for protection within the biofilms. These anti-biofilm protocols are rarely, if ever,  found in any anti-candida protocols that I have ever seen on the internet. If you use these anti-biofilm protocols then this usually greatly speeds up the cure because it removes biofilms quickly and effectively de-cloaks the candida and  bacteria hiding in these biofilms, leaving them completely open and totally exposed for more efficient eradication by anti-fungals and anti-bacterials with no hiding place. 

* Candida is dimorphic. This means that candida has a yeast form (saprophytic feeder) and a fungal or mycelial form (parasitic feeder). This also means that when you have systemic candida or invasive candida, then your candida infection is body-wide -- and not just in the intestines but that your candida(fungal form) also infects the blood, tissues and organs. This is why, when you have a local infection like uterine thrush or fungal skin problems or oral thrush, the local candida problem never goes away permanently no matter what topical remedies you use. What people don't seem to realize is that these apparently topical or local candida problems can actually be expressions or symptoms for systemic or invasive candida(fungal form) -- ie arising from a systemic candida infection already in the blood. If you have systemic candida in the blood then, logically, it can infect anywhere in the body -- topically or otherwise -- can't it ?

When I had systemic candida, my skin problems were profuse -- I had psoriasis, eczema, jock itch, athletes foot, bad constipation(stools once every 7 days), digestive problems, heart arhythmias, vertigo(dizziness), lethargy, low energy, brain fog, insomnia, low thyroid etc. I used a particular multi-remedy that completely cured candida and this remedy was completely antagonistic to all these candida behaviours and more. What's more I never even bothered to topically treat any of my "systemic candida symptoms". All these topical skin problems and other "systemic symptoms" just went away when I cured myself of candida. Most people just believe that if they get rid of candida from the gut then they will be cured. Big mistake if you have already had candida for years and years and you already have the parasitic, bodywide or invasive form of candida. Which is why it either never goes away or it just keeps coming back. Therefore your treatment for candida must also include anti-fungals that act more widely throughout your body and don't just act in the intestines to get rid of candida(like Nystatin). Also, candida cannot adjust to anti-microbials such as lugol's iodine, borax(sodium tetraborate), turpentine etc  because these nutrents kill candida(and other microbials) so quickly.   

* Candida produces toxins called gliotoxins which disrupt and denature the DNA of T-cells and macrophages thus greatly lowering the capability of neutrophils, eosinophils and phagocyte activity which ultimately results in hugely lowering the immune system bar in terms of immune system protection. Therefore you must also incorporate nutrients in your protocol or remedy that neutralize and remove these harmful mycotoxins in the body quickly and efficiently. Using molybdenum, ALA , selenium and milk thistle I have found to be highly useful in removing these dangerous mycotoxins. Removing these toxins will also improve energy and help stop problems like brain fog, lethargy, insomnia etc. 

* Candida can adjust to most regular allopathic anti-fungals(like Nystatin and the azole family of anti-fungals such as fluconazole) by eventually breeding in resistance to them with host cells just like bacteria and viruses.

* Eating a poor but convenient processed food diet will also do little to help your candida problems. A diet such as this, which contains a plethora of strange unnatural chemicals, heavy metals, preservatives and agri-poisons and which is so heavily lacking in nutrients, will give every advantage to your candida problem with little help or support for your own steadily weakening immune system. An anti-candida diet is also an essential protocol component if you want to beat candida.

For these reasons, that's why a simplistic anti-fungal/antibiotic regimen(used just on its own) will not usually permanently cure the systemic or disseminated form of candida which is already in the blood tissues and organs. That's also why focusing on curing candida from just your intestines using only regular anti-fungals is also not generally a useful strategy or successful strategy to permanently eradicate candida problems. Because the systemic or fungal form(which may already be in your blood, tissues and organs) will simply act to come back into the intestines to re-populate and  re-infect this region once you stop using these anti-fungals. And there's another reason why candida keeps coming back.  Wide-acting anti-fungals and anti-bacterials(as previously described above) must preferably be employed to more effectively rid candida and other associated bacterial disease problems from the whole body -- and not just from the intestines. 

These are just some of the major reasons why candida sufferers regularly fail with their own strategies against candida. Like I've said many times before, if you have serious candida problems -- then you should stop thinking like a doctor and start thinking more logically about how to cure your serious fungal disease. I've found that the best way to eradicate candida is to directly attack its unique behaviours on many levels. This is how I cured my own serious candida problem (with no return of my candida or any symptoms after 7 years).

I explain all this and much more in my new book which is shown here on curezone.




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