I used to lucid dream and have OBE's all of the time. (out of body experiences). I get them occasionally now probably every other month. As I haven't been practicing in years or focused on it. I did try to heal my lips last year when I had an OBE, I asked to talk to my subconscious mind while in the dream/OBE world and asked it how to heal my lips. The person gave me a ridiculous answer which sounded very plausible in that world, however upon waking I realized how ridiculous it sounded. I think it was along the lines of try sticking a big needle in my forearm was what it suggested I do... -.-
however I haven't actually tried to heal them while in that state, only had asked for advice so I'm not sure how much different it would be. The trouble with lucid dreams is that its extremely difficult to remember what you wanted to do once you get one and its hard to stay focused and you easily fall back into a dream fairly quickly if you don't have enough mental control.