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yes it is!
yemaya Views: 983
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 20,964

yes it is!

It is totally normal to cry until you laugh..... it usually means that you are complete with your mourning or sadness...... The laughter comes through usually when you have cleared all that pain energy ......

Laughter is good medicine........

As for your Dad... i very much urge you to tell your mom whats up... and If she does nothing.. well I would get out of there..... You souldnt strong and responsible... sometimes we have to grow up much faster than we want to.....

If I could share anything with you, it would be to love yourself enough to not stay in the story of fear and pain..... It is a choice... and you have an oppertunity to keep your blinders on..and pretend..or to expose truth, and take care your yourself.....

If you need help..or someone to chat with let me know...


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