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Thinking about confronting someone who makes fun of me...
WanderingWinter Views: 3,120
Published: 11 y

Thinking about confronting someone who makes fun of me...

Hey guys, I'm thinking about confronting someone who I caught making fun of me last night... not really sure how to go about it, but I figure if I do, at least I might be able to find out more about my particular cursed situation - I can never smell myself, just the soap/deoderant I've used. :'(

I'm currently studying a nursing degree and as part of our training, we have to go out into the community and do clinical placement within different areas of the health sector. I'm working at the local hospital and right from the very first afternoon I set through the door, the comments started... one of the doctors said he was going to leave the nursing station and go somewhere where it smelled fresher. Since then, there have been numerous comments and one nurse even walked up to me and sniffed me,then exhaled loudly. Then last night, I was doing night shift with only one other nurse - she's been bringing really strong smelling clove oil and opening the bottle up when she comes into the office. She sent me on my break and told me I should go to the staff room... I came back earlier than she expected and just as I walked back in she was laughing with the night duty manager about how she can breathe again... of course as soon as she saw me, the conversation went dead and the other woman left in a huge hurry. :'(

This is absolutely killing me - I shower 20 minutes before I go to the hospital, use deoderant, use perfume, brush my teeth... everything. I'm always well presented, but all I ever get is people being nasty to me. They don't realise I've tried soooooo many different remedies. They don't see the absolute struggle it is to get up and actually go there. I know the chances are I'll never be a nurse - my reputation will proceed me in this town and I might as well forget it. All I can really focus on is getting the degree, at least then I've achieved something.

I'm thinking about confronting the nurse who was talking about me tonight because we have another night shift together, but I don't really know how to broach it without the potential to sound like a complete idiot. :(

Ugh, this totally sucks... I don't understand this condition and why my partner/family don't smell it - even one of my lecturers told me I was imagining it. And, I've seen about 5 doctors (and been tested for TMAU which was neg) who have always said they don't smell anything. So why in the heck do I stink all the time to other people? :(


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