My cat has a malignant tumour. Please Help!
Luella I am new on your site and would very much appreciate your advice on the following ailment I have with my 5 year old cat.
She had once a beautiful little pink nose, but been a sun worshiper she developed a nasty looking black scab/sore on said nose. She had a biopsy done and was found to be a malignant tumour.
I have been giving her 3mls doses 4 to 5 times a day of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution made from
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ) in her wet food every day for over a month now, but have not seen an improvement in her condition.
She however does not show signs of been sick other than vigourously cleaning her nose with her paws.
I have read articles on your site about using
Colloidal Silver either by itself or with other cancer fighting supplements.
Luella can you please advise me what protocol I should be using to "melt" this tumour and clear up her nose? Also how do I give this to her and at what frequency per day?
Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
P.S. My Vet said only solution is an operation to remove half her nose at a cost of R4000 which we can't afford.