I have been extremely unwell for about 3 years and I am at the point where I can't eat anything at all without having an allergic reaction. I am extremely toxic and desperately need to start cleansing. I am at the point where I have given up hope because I don't know where else to turn. I can't take supplements or eat or ingest anything at all that is processed in any way. I am severely allergic to gluten and diary and have horrible candida so even eating something with even 1 gram of Sugar makes me look 6 months pregnant and break out in a rash all over my face. My kidney tests came back high so I'm scared to do a water or salt water enema and coffee is out of the question. Probiotics make me constipated for weeks and I've tried a lot of strains (even fermented foods). I also have a few swollen lymph nodes. My thyroid is low. The list goes on and on. I'm an absolute mess! I'm in desperate need of help because no doctors will help me. I just started NAET treatment a few days ago. I was thinking about starting with castor oil packs on my liver and stomach but I know I need much more than this. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me release some of these toxins AND avoid all the stuff I've mentioned? Is there anything left? lol