fluid retention troubleshooting
Hello, I'm new here and hoping to find answers at long last. I will try to keep this brief, but for five years I have hit dead ends and am wondering if someone can help me.
Five years ago I started experiencing muscle and joint pain, nausea, morning stiffness,and gained 30-40 lbs, much of it fluid. My doctor said there was nothing he could do, as there was nothing wrong with me, and labeled it "idiopathic edema."
My mom was visiting when we noticed she started swelling, too. It took a bizarre series of events, too complicated to explain, but I finally related my health issues to the oil refineries in our neighborhood. We promptly moved and the joint and muscle pain went away immediately.
Now I am left with all of this fluid, in my feet making it hard to stand, and in my hands and arms, and everywhere in general. It is NON-pitting edema, but I really have no doubt that it IS water retention.
I started glutathione and a methylation protocol, MSM, cut out gluten, dairy, and sugar, and it wouldn't budge. Now I am on my third day of a strict
Water Fast and have lost only 2lbs. During the day, my weight actually goes up, and then drops down again in the morning.
I don't know what to do and am at the end of my rope.
Any ideas?