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Re: How does the heat, sun and beach water affect AF?
Blistering Fate Views: 2,404
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Re: How does the heat, sun and beach water affect AF?

First of all I dont seem to have SEVERE adrenal fatigue, despite my horrendous tests over time and relatively awful state. I can sweat, and certainty do so, and I get tanned rather quick. I am brown/golden right now :)

Now for my experinece. Spending a day in the beach sunbathing, earthing, wathching people (OK mostly watching girls, but people overall), maybe even talking with them and some time in the water made me feel a lot better. I realised this when I arrived home at the evening. The difference was clear, at morning I was totally convinced that I was feeling too crappy to go to the beach and my parents dragged me, whereas after coming from there I felt better and did not feel or think of my fatigue, headache, general malaise as much etc That caribbeean thing sounds so cool, even or especially for someone with AF. Just avoid stress and walking too much, take the sun light because its healing IMO, it charges us with etheric energy.

That of the crying spells and severe Depression sounds quite hardcore. Any traumas, stressful events, negative experiences that you are aware of? Or maybe its just that you are depressed because you feel shitty, understandbly. I know I have traumas etc and am actually very depressed and anhedonic with scarce and brief spourts of mania/dellusion, but I very very rarely feel so bad to cry. Anyone its up to the challenge of exploring the psychological dimension of AF? I think it is caused by either emotional toxins, physical toxins or both. Example: emotional toxins will make you abuse/stress yourself until you get AF. Heavy metals directly cause it.


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