There is Always Hope !!
Hello guys and gals, i'm new here but i had to make an account to share what has somewhat worked for me. I have fecal BO as well anyways, life has been extremely rough for me the past 7 years, to the point of suicide. I felt alone and misunderstood, but the thing that hurt me the most was the realization that this disease would never let me fulfill to my true potential in life. I searched far and wide for a cure, but to no avail. Going to countless doctors only to see them clueless and many said i was delusional. At this point in my life i'm about 4-5 years into my condition with no answers, i go on a path of self destruction. Weed, coke, booze, meth, and a super un
healthy Diet of fast food. I really didn't care about my life anymore, drugs made me happy for that short time, a moment of bliss from a life of hell you could say. One night i grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and tried to end it all, i felt defeated...this disease, the drugs, and the feeling of being alone was to much to bear on that night, so i took about 16-18 ambient's and went to sleep. I woke up with all these monitors hooked up to me, i couldn't believe it i was still alive. Till this day i owe my life to my brother who found my coma body. This was a turning point in my life, now i'm not religious or anything but i think some kind of divine intervention saved me from dying. Call it what you will, it gave me motivation to cure my self. I quit all my drugs and changed my outlook on life. I can't keep waiting for a cure to my problem, i'm going to create my own cure and stop depending on other people for a cure.
Let me say this, every single preventable medical sickness begins at the diet. You are going to have to change many aspects of your life drastically to get that normal life we want. now i'd say i'm about 80% cured and i've been at this lifestyle for about 5 months now. Let me explain what worked for me, right off the bat i did a 1 week probiotic detox, during this time i only drank liquified juiced fruits and veggies that i personally made with zero
Sugar added. After my detox i got onto a regular everyday high quality probiotic and high quality everyday multivitamin along with the juiced drinks. Remember these 2 weeks will be extremely hard but you must stick it out, you can blow all your hard work and money down the drain if you compromise the diet during this crucial time. We obviously have problems with digesting foods so this is the reasoning behind the strict diet of purely liquified fruits and veggies. Now this third week i introduced whole fruits,veggies into my diet along with exercising and strictly water, now at this point your body is going to need some protein, meat is to hard on your reconstructing stomach at the moment, so i used a high quality Whey protein drink with amino acids and practically zero
Sugar and fat. I did all of this up to a month, and then introduced meat into my diet. boneless skinless chicken breasts in small portions i put a small dab of coconut oil and some black pepper with little salt wrap it up in foil. Portion control is key, instead of 3 big meals a day split it up into 6 small snacks so it's easier on your stomach. Never add soluble fibers to your diet within the first 2 months. I always chew my food in my mouth till it's practically like mush, this is a very important tip. throw all of your cooking oils away and replace with coconut oil. Exercise is key to, at least 3-4 times a week, exercise keeps the blood circulation going and reduces stress. Remember this is a mental battle just as much as a physical battle, the mind is very powerful, when you start to see weekly improvements it will build your confidence and self esteem, my old self i would use to walk around very unsure of my self, got nervous around other people, poor diet, lack of exercise and also when i was nervous or had anxiety my smell would quadruple. It is fact that the human body releases pheromones ( feces smell for us ) under stress or anxiety. living a healthy lifestyle will keep your mind happy and confident, and keep your anxiety/stress pheromones non existent or very low. All processed foods are gone, no more fast food, no dairy products, no more beef/pork, no refined sugars, no processed saturated or trans fats, no soda/juice/alcohol, no drugs. These are the things that have destroyed our digestion system. You need to rebuild your stomach from the ground up is the only way you can repair it. There is no miracle pill or miracle surgery, just sacrifice and dedication, i know all of you can do it, you're all stronger then you think, the fact that you are alive and living is proof of that, i gave up on life and through a miracle realized how precious life is.