I live with a doctor, my roommate lol. and his experiments are usually the ones that fail. he is my friend and I love him as a friend, but we do not agree when it comes to wellness. my natural "experiments" have always proven far more superior to his advise and medication "remedies" he has given me some credit for healing myself naturally with much research, but of course he doesn't want to let go of his own dogma. not to argue, but please don't try to convince me that doctors have anymore knowledge about this subject than someone with real experience and pain. I've never had any doctor give me great advise. taking the advise of doctors and dentists is why I ended up with colitis. because of Antibiotics and improper Amalgam removal stripping my gut of all protecting flora. some good doctor advise may have been to take probiotics with and after the Antibiotics (but i learned on my own the hard way) my roommate's suggestion was surgery for my sister's gallstones. no thanks! my sister's stones are pretty small when they do come out so I'm not thinking its some major case here. just painful when it starts up like it recently did. and would like to try the natural thing first. I'm just doing a ton of research and appreciate the feed back.