When I first noticed the garden, via Zeldman I think, I assumed that its author was some distinguished veteran of the web design wars, even though I’d never heard of him. His name is Dave Shea and he sent me an email out of the blue a few weeks ago commenting on one of my CSS rants, saying intelligent things and remarking that he was in Vancouver as well. I was kind of surprised to find out that there was a famous Web designer here in town that I hadn’t even heard of, so we set up a lunch.
So it turns out that Dave is a guy from Kamloops, a small town five hours inland from Vancouver, has been here in the big city for a couple of years, is working for a little design firm that you’ve never heard of, and they don’t even know about the Garden, and he’s never taken a course in any of this technology, he just picked it up. He stays up late at night fiddling with things like the Garden, for their own sake.
I’d say that this is kind of like running across a kid with a 96mph fastball and a wicked slider pitching AA ball in Topeka. If the design profession weren’t in such a crappy state I imagine there’d be recruiters lined up outside his door.
Dave’s got a job as I said, but reading between the lines of our conversation, I’d say he’d be inclined to listen to any interesting opportunities. He’s got a blog which is worth a look for its own sake.
But don’t pester him for the next couple of weeks; he’s off to get married and won’t be back till the second week in July.
Chief Mark Kessler discusses the fraudulent Obama long form birth certificate, and where this investigation is going. More so, he questions the authenticity of Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Lead Investigator - Who is Mike Zullo?
Off The Chart UV Levels Not Being Disclosed By EPA
By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org 7-29-13 We have known for some time that the UV levels were getting rapidly worse due to the ongoing atmospheric spraying. Anyone that is even slightly awake and aware has noticed that the sun feels incredibly intense on the skin. Most varieties of plant life are showing at least some signs of stress in most areas. In many regions, whole forests are in steep decline. And it's getting worse by the day. Although extreme drought and toxic rains (due in large part to the heavy metal fallout from geoengineering) are taking their toll, recent metering of UV levels in Northern California indicate that there is an element in this die off that is far worse than we had realized, an incomprehensibly high level of UV radiation.
With the assistance of a very generous and conscientious individual, geoengineeringwatch.org purchased top-of-the-line UV metering equipment which was put in the hands of a 40-year environmental metering veteran, with 20 years government experience and 20 years as a private consultant. Our findings are far beyond shocking.
From a recent science study on excessive UV
We are told UV-B is only a minor component of the total solar radiation, we now know this could not be further from the truth. Our recent metering reflects an exponential rise in UVB radiation. Due to its high energy, its potential for causing biological damage to plants, animals, and humans is exceptionally high and even small increases could lead to significant biological damage. There are numerous peer reviewed studies which verify this fact. READ MORE...