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Re: Hair Loss and Scalp build up. Help!
  Views: 13,955
Published: 12 y
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Re: Hair Loss and Scalp build up. Help!

This sounds crazy, but it works. First, buy some organic castor oil. I use Palma Christi brand. It isn't expensive. Mix it half and half with either virgin coconut oil. Has to be virgin. The cheap stuff used for cooking doesn't have the curing stuff. Rub this into your scalp every night and leave it on overnight. Make sure it gets onto your scalp. You'll have to cover your pillow, or wear a cap so it doesn't get on your bedclothes. I just put a thick old towel I don't care about over my pillow. In the morning, wash it out with Dawn dishwashing liquid. Rinse your hair then follow with this rinse: 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp borax (yes, the detergent powder) to 1 liter of water. Pour this onto your scalp, not your hair. t may burn a little, but that means it's working.

Take these vitamins:
A good multi with minerals
Selenium - 200 mcg a day
Vitamin D3 - 1,000 iu a day
Biotin - 5,000 mcg a day
Vitamin C - 1,000 mg a day
Vitamin E - 400 iu a day
MSM - 1500 mg a day

I was almost bald and now my hair is thickening up like you wouldn't believe. Hair is all about nutrition.



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