I had strep throat many times as a child, and my mother did treat it with garlic, a lot of garlic. In fact, my breath would smell of garlic for 2 days longer than I took it. And every time I was better, all symptoms healed, within a week. When I stopped drinking pasteurized milk (a medically known carrier of the strep virus) I stopped getting sick. Now, please understand, I am not a doctor, so I cannot tell you from a medical standpoint that this will cure strep throat, based on my experience. However, the individual writing this article IS a doctor, and that individual IS saying it, and I have my experience to support it. I cannot tell you what is right for you and your family. I can tell you that for me and my family, I will stick with raw fruits and vegetables, and herbs, to heal my family on the occasions that they are sick. To me, it IS the most logical method.