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Re: I'm out of four lows! But still a lot of work to do

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Re: I'm out of four lows! But still a lot of work to do

Hey there!
In looking at your results, it seems that your calcium is actually a good change showing you are now in ideal range for this versus low before. I believe calcium in most is easy to absorb hence why I never understood why those who absorb it well need a lot of it, perhaps the calcium in your food alone was enough to raise your levels?

Your MAG and NA went up slightly which is a good sign. and now your NA/K ratio is a 3 versus a 2 which is better. I forget, are you working with ARL or TEI? If you work with TEI I believe they will put you on Pott supplements to raise that level and the ratios it is associated with. How much magnesium are you taking? are you still finding to be quite anxious? I noticed by anxiety improve as my magnesium ratio climbed, perhaps you will be recommended to supplement with more magnesium to get those levels up?
If you tested at 1 1/2 inches of hair this is going to show an idea of results from 3 months ago, so this could explain why your current symptoms aren't necessarily in line with what your results say. Perhaps testing sooner on the next retest so that you know that the supplements are in align with what your body needs. Also, this could explain why your calcium level is what it is due to the timing? I think this is a little finnicky to rely on the time of the hair test but could be?

Hope this helps! I know for me my calcium didn't take much on the first to second hair test to move from low to high/ideal. Whereas the magnesium took a little longer to get there. With that being said, if I had done it again and knowing what I know now, I would have knocked back on the calcium and doubled my magnesium intake and probably would have seen much quicker of improvement with my MAG levels if I had done this. I am pretty sure that calcium uses the magnesium so it takes away the magnesium from being absorbed in your body... that is if I remember correctly. I would perhaps work with your practitioner on asking if supplementing with more magnesium to increase that level is a good idea... this makes sense to me?

I don't know if your aluminum and mercury going up necessarily means you are getting rid of it? As it doesn't show they are at toxic levels to begin with?

hope this helps! Would be interested to hear what you were on before and what you will be supplementing with now? and if you ate calcium even though you didn't supplement with it recently.


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