Vitamin D is not a wonder drug or a drug at all: a drug is a chemical compound that has been altered from its original chemical state, or manufactured/metamorphosed into a patentable product that can be sold for alleged therapeutic benefits; whilst simultaneously procuring extortionate profits. Vitamin D on the other and the cholecalciferol manufactured in the skin as a prehormone, is chemically identical in every respect to cholecalciferol you find on the supplements shelves.
Vitamin D is actually an immunoregulator or immunomodulator and does not in fact "suppress" anything.
Inflammation is a healing response and therapeutic fasting will regulate this inflammation, and Vitamin D role operates in the same way. There is nothing chemically "synthetic" about cholecalciferol.
You will also "feel better" after taking Vitamin D whether from sunlight exposure or from supplements.
Brilliant post from Ginagirl. Many thanks.