hahaha! yeah i fully understand. and i agree 100% it sucks rolling around with vaseline! especially as a guy. so you dont get the slightest flake or that skin turning white a little bit on the inner part of your lip when wet? man that must be awesome! you would be proud to know i have now began to stop peeling my lips. yep been doing it for 4 days now and it feels great! tiny bit of build up but i expect that for the next couple of months i want to hit it hard with this plaquenil and also see if i can completely stop my build up like you. and also like i believe vunk has. although im a bit dissapointed he doesnt share with us his improvenemnts i know his lips are 90% better now and his previous pictures were pretty amazing! i just so desperately want the peeling to stop and the white line to stop so i can gently kiss my gf maybe once a fortnight! ha anyways im off to check the surf. sucks i cant get back in the water yet!