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What worked for me might work for you
Ohmsbeasley Views: 7,877
Published: 12 y

What worked for me might work for you

Okay so im 22 this is my third time having a BC (Bartholin's Cyst ).

I got tested and it wasnt caused by an STD and it usually happens after my cycle ends. I must add that I have sex more than a few times a week and because it's caused by blockage I think that having too much sex or having sex after a dry season might be a cause.

The first time it went away on its own, second time I had to go to the ER and get it drained the pain was absolutely unbearable the anesthesia didn't work AT ALL. . It was infected and the Antibiotics i got were not working. It was well over the size of a golfball when I decided to seek care. I thought about getting it removed but then I would have to start using lub Everytime I have sex. So that was out of the question.

This is the the third occurence.....

It's pretty big again and it feels like it's infected because of the pain. I have been warming up a bottle of water in the microwave and I put a sock over the bottle and then I sat it between my legs pressing against the cyst. . Today, day 3, i bought tea tree oil and applied it to a q-tip and I rubbed it on the cyst, (ON THE OUTSIDE it will burn like hell if it touches any part of the inside of your vagina) it's been about an hour and it's gone down to the size of a small grape. I've been researching all day and I'm so glad I decided to do this. I just wanted to share this in hopes of it working for someone else.

The pain is gone and I can sit down without any issues.

Please report if the same procedure works for you.

I hope it helps someone.


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