I have a sneaky feeling things are not going so well for the crooks in charge. Seems like their veil is being lifted and they are being exposed for the psychopaths they are. And I mean the banksters too, not just the political pawns. And there is a lot of evidence showing there may be big changes coming soon if they don't draw the false flag card. And I have a feeling that if they draw the card, it will only explode in their faces. They can't even pull of a good false flag any more. And the world has had it with these slimy leaches and they aren't going to play their games any more. And they are being stomped on like rats from all sides and totally cornered now.
Check out this other article showing what could be coming. Not saying it will for sure, but it's very possible. There is a lot of evidence showing their ponzi scheme is being dismantled, and all our efforts to wake People up and the patriots that have gone before us and gave up their lives in the battle is not in vain. http://www.miraclesandinspiration.com/news_at-the-precipice-of-a-brave-new-wo...