Re: Onwards/Marie Question
Hi Onwards,
You Rock, always such good thorough responses, I just love it!! :)) You Rock Too!!
Good to hear your ratio hasn't been at a 2 for a while, gives me lots of hope that mine will get up with the new TEI protocol :) Ah, 12/4, I am not sure why I always thought yours were similar to mine 2 NA and 1 K... but, regardless thank you for providing me with your current protocol. I think maybe you are mixing me up with my son. I posted his results a few weeks ago and his Na/K is 2. When you get a chance if you don't mind checking and if you could remind me of what you were put on when you first switched that would be super super!
I always love hearing how well you are doing, it's magnificent! I just switched to the TEI protocol today, did totally fine with adding in the glandulars and potassium, actually I was quite surprised as I always seemed to get "detox" reactions from many of the supplements I tried with ARL in recent months or after I was out of four lows. Puts things into perspective for me. I am gradually seeing more and more improvement, (maybe this is really how true healing should be!!) for the first time in a long time I now have no issues with my hypoglycemia which is amazing as it was such a pain, now it is tackling the adrenals and thryoid with the NA and K levels / ratios so I can get my energy back to optimal and the remaining symptoms I have. But I have to say this past week has been something else, I haven't felt like this in a really long time and it is finally steady not up and down like it was in prior months. I 100% see light at the end of the tunnel now. No crashes in over a week, absolutely none and hardly any brain fog, I am thrilled! Actually finally got to sit down at a cafe and go to an art gallery... actually two this weekend and eat at the cafe which in all past months I couldn't even walk into a grocery store without having many symptoms arise. I can't wait to continue on this protocol, I have such a good feeling... finally. You are making such great progress!! Just wait keeps getting better and better!!
Going to eventually do the parasite cleanse, but holding off for the next two weeks so my body can adjust to the new supplements. Good idea!
I am on miniplex too! Would be curious to see if you were put on parapack and adrenal complex when you first switched and what your ratio/levels were No because I am a fast oxidizer!
Thanks again for your help and also for your feedback initially, wouldn't have made the intuitive switch without you!
:)) Just keep doing it one day at a time!
I'm really happy for you!!