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Re: other supplements
ring5100 Views: 1,494
Published: 12 y
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Re: other supplements

Hi Onward.

I have never had any visable to pointed symptomatics for parasites. BUt, are there some vital signs, or a test for this.

I never had any visable signs of this in my stools.

I did once, 22 years ago, when on a trip to San Diego, had a severe stomach, abdominal problem which lead me to the 'ER>" also had long white strings in my stools.

This only lasted for less than a week, than never again.

But, could this one time, this long ago, cause somethng like this to leave some traces of parasitic damsage. ?

The only viral I've had is the Herpes, which I contracted from my husband. He's never had an outbreak since age 40, where as with my weak immune system, I've had outbreaks every 3 months for a lifetime.

PS> So ozone therapy is not in the USA? I though it could be used interveinously or in an ozone isolated chamber. Would like to know more about this. My mom who is a few states away has been using an ozone water treated machine, which converts water into ozone and is to be drunk as soon as it comes out of the machine. I found this factinating.
Also, that in the presence of oxygen, no form of bacteria can survive.
I wished all public swimming pools were treated with ozone only. Some are, but are few.



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