Re: Anyone find anything new to try?
I only know what has worked for me. I passed the biggest worms I have ever seen less than 8 hours after taking the first dose of wormer--200
pounds worth, m/l, even though I am not that heavy.
I took the second dose 2 days later, and have not passed anything remarkable, lots of little crud in the toilet tissue, though.
I think you can overdo it. Go with the results. Give your body time to respond.
You can buy Albamed [albamedazole] on Ebay, for peanuts--from Thai Beauty Store--no Rx needed.
I did have an amazing die-off in 5 days of all kinds of crud, mostly flukes--2 pills, 12 hours apart, for 3 days, repeat in 2 weeks.
The other equine wormers did NOT remove the horrible huge blood worms, only the EXODUS worked to do this, and it had a great effect on my horses, too--energy-wise and beautiful coat-wise.