I have seven (7) zappers all of the true Beck design. I also have been drinking Colloidal Silver and ozonated water for the last 3 years and zapping everyday for over 2 years, everyday for at least 2 hours a day and sometimes up to 8 hours a day. In the last couple months I zapped with 2 Beck zappers for over 12 hours a day, both ankle-to-ankle and wrist-to-wrist, plus through the torso for a couple of hours. The hiv viral load actually went up. Beck's zapper may be useful but as far as hiv I don't see where it works at all. Unless maybe extensive gut zapping is needed to get to the hiv reservoirs. If you do exactly what Beck said I doubt it will work. I saw some posts on here that the Beck protocol did not help with hiv. So I figured it may be a matter of how much it was done. Considering what I did, I think I proved Beck's claims wrong. I set out to prove them right and found out the opposite. If this works the numbers on the hiv viral load test will prove it. Beck said he had case studies that have shown the hiv viral load going to zero. I'm saying that is not true. Beck's zapper may be useful but it is nowhere near the claims he makes.