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Dear America
WhistlingBooger Views: 738
Published: 12 y

Dear America

Dear America,

Your government is corrupt.

Your bankers are holding you as collateral.

Your military is being used to occupy small, helpless countries.

Their resistance is not "terrorism".

Your media sells you propaganda and lies.

Your water is fluoridated.

You are distracted by TV and 'entertainment".

Your wars are not about freedom.

Your wars are about greed, resources, control and ownership by central banks.

The real people of America have more in common with us than you have with your billionaire politicians.

We too want peace.

We want to live happily with our families.

The rest of us see these things.

Why can't you?

You have the power to change things.

Please wake up.

Sincerely and lovingly,

The Rest Of The World.

(My Comment: It's not the People, it's the governments)


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