Re: Back on chelating rounds - fun with depression
I'm sorry to hear about your ongoing struggles.
I'm not so sure you are wise to continue to use such generous doses. Lots of people chelate with lower doses and get nice gains. Why beat yourself up?! Cutler says that when we double the dose we only increase excretion by less than 40%, not by the 100% one might expect.
I've been chelating for 3 yrs and have not used 20mg ALA. I can use 20mg DMSA along with 12mg ALA. Such low dosing is unusual but I've gotten nice gains over that time.
I had some unusual sadness
Depression during the dump/stall phase--around 6 months in. It was also at a sensitive time of year so that probably added to it.
Cutler stresses that you should not expect gains if you are not taking generous doses of antioxidants. Mg, Zn are also on his short list. Mg is used in production one of the body's natural antidepressants. Certain B vitamins are also involved.