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The Crooks Could Be On The Ropes Now With Basil III
WhistlingBooger Views: 255
Published: 12 y

The Crooks Could Be On The Ropes Now With Basil III

The Federal Reserve is going to vote on the new Basil III system tomorrow. This will require them "to hold the strictest form of common-equity capital at 7% of their risk-based assets, up from 2% currently."

So if they approve this they will be screwed if they don't have the extra 5% required, and if they don't, CONfidence in the US dollar will drop. So I think they are between a rock and a hard spot with this.

Especially since the 400 trillion dollar "risk-based assets" derivatives market will be affected by this. This is what Lindsey has been talking about. We'll see what happens with all this. I am certainly no expert with the financial market.

Plus the rates on the trillion dollar student loan bubble have just doubled today. Everybody owes 6% instead of the 3% they owed before. Looks like they can still fix it after their July 4th recess, but who knows what the crooks will do.

Remember Bernanke is talking about stopping the printing presses for QE infinity and retiring. So I think all this is at least setting things up for the collapse if not starting it up.

I just checked out Lindsey's site and nothing new for today.

Here's a good article talking about the Basil III stuff.

Here's a article on the student loans.



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